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Welcome to NetModule Wiki

This wiki provides information on all NetModule Routers. Please select a topic below, use the search or table of contents.

$columns = 3; $tablestyle = "text-align:center;"; $tdstyle = "text-align:center; border-top:1px solid white; border-left:1px solid white; border-right: 10px solid white; border-bottom: 10px solid white; background-color:#ebf0f0; width:33%"; $image = ""; $items = array( array("/documentation/", $image, "Documentation and Downloads", "Product documentation such as user manual and outline drawings for the NetModule Routers."), array("/installation/", $image, "Installation", "Getting started, installation and commissioning of the device."), array("/configuration/", $image, "Configuration and Deployment", "Typical configuration of components such as WWAN, WLAN or VPN or link supervision."), array("/development/", $image, "Software Development", "Software extensions for NetModule Router Software using the <a href=sdk/sdk>SDK</a>, <a href=development/toolchain>cross-compilation toolchain</a> or <a href=virtualisation/start>LXC Virtualization</a> or an unsupported Linux reference distribution."), array("/monitoring/", $image, "Monitoring and Device Management", "Operation and monitoring, NMS, SNMP."), array("/maintenance/", $image, "Maintenance and Update", "Maintenance tasks such as software update and reconfiguration."), array("/troubleshooting/", $image, "Troubleshooting and Tech Support", "Error analysis, reading the system log, using debug tools, tech support and RMA"), // array("/replacement", $image, "RMA and Replacement", "Hardware defect or upgrade to a new product."), array("/app-notes/", $image, "Whitepapers", "Full use cases such as Passenger WLAN."), array("/faq-and-tools/", $image, "FAQ and Tools", "FAQ, Tools and other helpers"), ); if (empty($items)) { $items = array(); for ($i=1; $i<=9; $i++) { array_push($items, array("topic$i", $imgageserver . "100x50", "This is title # $i", "This is the description of item $i")); } } echo "<table style='$tablestyle'>\n"; foreach ($items as $key=>$item) { echo ($key % $columns == 0) ? "<tr>" : ""; echo "<td style='$tdstyle'>" . // "<p style='margin:8px;'><a href='$item[0]'><img src='$item[1]' title='$item[2]'></a></p>" . "<p style='margin:8px; font-weight: bold;'><a href='$item[0]'>$item[2]</a></p>" . "<p style='margin:8px;'>$item[3]</p></td>\n"; echo ($key % $columns == $columns-1) ? "</tr>\n" : ""; } echo "</table>\n";