FAQ and Tools

<php> $columns = 3; $tablestyle = “text-align:center;”; $tdstyle = “text-align:center; border-top:1px solid white; border-left:1px solid white; border-right: 10px solid white; border-bottom: 10px solid white; background-color:rgba(228,226,82,0.8); width:33%”; $image = “http://placehold.it/200x50”; $items = array(

  array("/faq/faq", $image, "Frequently Asked Questions", "FAQs and their answers"),
  array("/tools/tools", $image, "Tools", "Teamviewer QuickSupport, SSH Client, VPN Clients, etc")

); echo “<table style='$tablestyle'>\n”; foreach ($items as $key⇒$item) {

  echo ($key % $columns == 0) ? "<tr>" : "";
  echo "<td style='$tdstyle'>" .
  // "<p style='margin:8px;'><a href='$item[0]'><img src='$item[1]' title='$item[2]'></a></p>" .
  "<p style='margin:8px; font-weight: bold;'><a href='$item[0]'>$item[2]</a></p>" .
  "<p style='margin:8px;'>$item[3]</p></td>\n";
  echo ($key % $columns == $columns-1) ? "</tr>\n" : "";

} echo “</table>\n”;
