This is an old revision of the document!

Software Packages

As of version 3.8 NRSW is composed of the following software packages. Licenses include NetModule proprietary license as well as various opensource licenses. See also our Open Source Software Notice. <php> $licenses = Array(

"apache-1.0"                    => "Apache v1.0",
"apache-1.1"                    => "Apache v1.1",
"apache-2.0"                    => "Apache v2.0",
"bsd"                           => "BSD",
"bsd-1"                         => "BSD 1-clause",
"bsd-2"                         => "BSD 2-clause",
"bsd-3"                         => "BSD 3-clause",
"bsd-4"                         => "BSD 4-clause",
"bsd-sun"                       => "BSD/SUN",
"dual-bsd-gpl"                  => "GPL/BSD Dual",
"gpl-2"                         => "GPL v2", 
"gpl-3.1-with-gcc-exception"    => "GPL v3.1 (GCC)",
"isc"                           => "ISC", 
"kernel"                        => "GPL v2", 
"lgpl-2.1"                      => "LGPL v2.1", 
"mit"                           => "MIT", 
"openssl"                       => "OpenSSL", 
"ppp-mix"                       => "PPP Mix (BSD/GPL)", 
"php-3.0"                       => "PHP v3.0", 
"public-domain"                 => "Public Domain", 
"vendor"                        => "NetModule",
"zlib"                          => "Zlib",

); $licenseurls = Array(

"apache-1.0"                    => "",
"apache-1.1"                    => "",
"apache-2.0"                    => "",
"bsd"                           => "",
"bsd-1"                         => "",
"bsd-2"                         => "",
"bsd-3"                         => "",
"bsd-4"                         => "",
"bsd-sun"                       => "",
"dual-bsd-gpl"                  => "",
"gpl-2"                         => "", 
"gpl-3.1-with-gcc-exception"    => "",
"isc"                           => "", 
"kernel"                        => "", 
"lgpl-2.1"                      => "", 
"mit"                           => "", 
"openssl"                       => "", 
"ppp-mix"                       => "", 
"php-3.0"                       => "", 
"public-domain"                 => "", 
"vendor"                        => "",
"zlib"                          => "",


echo “<html>”; echo “<table>”; echo “<tr><th>Package</th><th>Version</th><th>License</th></tr>”; $lines = file(“data/media/nrsw/packages/packages.txt”); foreach ($lines as $line_num ⇒ $line) {

if  (substr($line, 0, 1) === "#") continue; // fist 2 lines
$fields = preg_split('/\s+/', $line); // split at spaces -> 4 colums with package, license, modified and URL
if (count($fields) >= 4) {
  $package = $fields[0];
  $name = array_shift(preg_split('/-\d/', $package)); // first part is name
  $lic = $fields[1];
  $license = (array_key_exists($lic,$licenses)) ? $licenses[$lic] : "unknown license key";
  $licenseurl = (array_key_exists($lic,$licenseurls)) ? $licenseurls[$lic] : "";
  $modified = $fields[2];
  $url = $fields[3];
  $version = substr($package,strlen($name)+1, strlen($package));
  $version =  ($modified == "yes" && $license != "NetModule") ? $version . "-modified" : $version;
  echo "<tr>";
  echo ($url!="") ? "<td><a href='$url'>". $name . "</a></td>" : "<td>". $name . "</td>";
  echo "<td>". $version . "</td>";
  echo ($licenseurl!="") ? "<td><a href='$licenseurl'>". $license . "</a></td>" : "<td>". $license . "</td>";
  // echo "<td>". $license . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";

} echo “</table>”; echo “</html>”; </php>