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Use Case

This Use Case describes the possibility to easily increase the number of ethernet ports in the link-managment. This Ports can be used as WAN or LAN connections.

We will configure multiple VLANs on the NB2800 which will be seperated again on a managed switch. The VLAN can be configured individually and the enddevices do not need to have vlan functions

A typical use case would be an emergency command car. Where you have multiple wanlinks (e.g. 5G, WLAN, Sat-Modem, Ethernet) and need to be used according to the current situation.

VLAN Management

If you want to get access to multiple Networks with one Ethernet interface, you can use the VLAN Manager funktion. The following szenario shows an possible usecase. With this function you can create multiple virtual VLAN interfaces on top of one lan interface. Each of these interfaces can be assigned to a seperate network. For this configuration you need a VID (Virtual LAN ID) which is used by the switch to assign the correct port.

Configuration Router

A virtual interface can be configuered in the WEB Manager at INTERFACE→VLAN MANAGEMENT→ ADD.

Please choose the LAN Interface which is connected to the external switch.

  • The ID need to be uniqe per VLAN (1-1024)
  • Use network-mode routed.
  • The prioritization classes can stay on background for every vlan.

All Subinterfaces can be viewed in INTERFACES → VLAN Management

Configuration Switch

The Switch need to be configured to connect Ethernet Ports to the VLAN Trunk. This is ussually a Portbased to Tag-Base VLAN conversion. So that the distinction of the packages is not lost on the switch, there has to exist a Port on the Switch, which tag and untag the packages with the 802.1q(VID) header and forwards the packets to the correct Vlans. This Port has to be member in every VLAN.

Port 1,2 and 3 belong to the respective VLAN's with ID 1,2 and 3 but do not add a VLAN Tag. Port 4 is the VLAN Trunk. It will forward the Ethernet Packets with an added VLAN Tag (VID) to the Router.

Advanced Configuration

To check and improve the connection of the VLAN interfaces, by using supervision, you have to declaire each vlan as a WAN link under Interfaces → IP Settings. The IP address can be assigned statically or via DHCP. (In case of PPPoE you have to configure the access data, service name and mac adress.)

After selecting the VLANs as a WAN Link, the IP settings table will look like in the picture below.

Now they will be displayed under Interfaces → Link Management.