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sdk:scripts:serial-tcsetattr [2015/05/05 15:04] (current) – created - external edit
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 +====== SDK Script serial-tcsetattr.are ======
 +<code c serial-tcsetattr.are>
 +/* DESC: This script can be used to set/get the attributes of the serial port.
 + * Copyright (C) 2012 NetModule AG, Switzerland
 + */
 +void usage() 
 +    printf("usage: serial-tcsetattr.are <dev> <baud> <databit> <stopbit> <parity> <flow>\n");
 +    printf("    dev        device to open (e.g. SERIAL1)\n");
 +    printf("    baud       baudrate (e.g. 115200)\n");
 +    printf("    databit    data bit [7|8]\n");
 +    printf("    stopbit    stopbit [0|1]\n");
 +    printf("    parity     parity [0|1]\n");
 +    printf("    flow       flow-control [0|1]\n");
 +    exit(1);
 +if (argc < 6) {
 +   usage();
 +DEV     = argv[1];
 +BAUD    = (int)argv[2];
 +DATABIT = (int)argv[3];
 +STOPBIT = (int)argv[4];
 +PARITY  = (int)argv[5];
 +FLOWCTL = (int)argv[6];
 +/* check serial port config */
 +idx = right(DEV, 1);
 +if (idx < 0 || idx > 1) {
 +    nb_syslog("Invalid serial port specified");
 +    exit(1);
 +st = nb_config_get(sprintf("serial.%d.status", idx));
 +if (st != "2") {
 +    nb_syslog("Serial port is not enabled for us");
 +    exit(1);
 +ret = nb_serial_setattr(DEV, BAUD, DATABIT, STOPBIT, PARITY, FLOWCTL);
 +if (ret == 0) {
 +    printf("Successfully set serial attributes of %s\n", DEV);
 +} else {
 +    printf("Unable to set serial attributes of %s\n", DEV);
 +    exit(1);
 +attr = nb_serial_getattr(DEV);
 +if (is_void(attr)) {
 +    printf("Unable to get attributes of %s\n", DEV);
 +    exit(1);
 +printf("%s is now configured as follows:\n", DEV);
 +printf("baudrate: %d\ndatabit: %d\nstopbit: %d\nparity: %d\nflowctl: %d\n",
 +        struct_get(attr, "baudrate"),
 +        struct_get(attr, "databit"),
 +        struct_get(attr, "stopbit"),
 +        struct_get(attr, "parity"),
 +        struct_get(attr, "flowctl")