SDK Script scan-mobile.are

/* DESC: This script can be used to switch the Mobile LAI according to available networks
 * Copyright (C) 2013 NetModule AG, Switzerland
IFC = "Mobile1";
LAI = "";
OPERATOR = "MyOperator";
/* ATTENTION: Scanning for mobile networks will tear down any running WWAN connections */
nets = nb_scan_networks(IFC);
nr_nets = struct_get(nets, "NETWORK_COUNT");
if (is_void(nr_nets) || nr_nets < 1) {
    nb_syslog("no networks found on %s", IFC);
/* lookup mobile networks */
for (i = 1; i <= nr_nets; i++) {
    k = sprintf("NETWORK%d_NAME", i);
    net = struct_get(nets, k);
    k = sprintf("NETWORK%d_LAI", i);    
    lai = struct_get(nets, k);
    k = sprintf("NETWORK%d_STATUS", i);    
    status = struct_get(nets, k);
    nb_syslog("detected %s network '%s' (lai %s, status %s)", IFC, net, lai, status);
    if (net == OPERATOR && strlen(lai) > 0 && status == "available") {
        nb_syslog("using LAI %s of '%s'", lai, net);
        LAI = lai;
if (LAI != "") {
    nb_syslog("setting LAI %s on %s", LAI, IFC);
    cfg = sprintf("sim.0.lai=%s", LAI);
} else {
    nb_syslog("no known networks found on %s", IFC);