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This simple script will revert your config changes after the time has expired. (Default is 10 minutes)

  1. Run the script at Services → SDK → Testing
  2. Make your changes, please do not change SDK settings.

If you want to keep your config changes please stop the SDK script at Services → SDK → Testing. Otherwise the config will be reverted after the time has expired.

Revert config changes in seconds SLEEP=600; FILE=“current_config.cfg”; cfg = nb_config_summary(); printf(“Saving current config…”); f=fopen(FILE, “w”); fwrite(f, cfg); fclose(f); printf(“Done\n”); printf(“Conifg will be reverted in %d seconds.\n”, SLEEP); printf(“If you want to keep your config changes, just stop this script.\n”); printf(“\n\nNote: SDK changes could interrupt this script.\n”); printf(“Please don`t make changes to SDK.\n”); sleep(SLEEP); printf(“Installing backup config now.\n”); nb_update_config(sprintf(“file:/%s”, FILE)); exit(0);