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This page describes a LAN2LAN connection between netmodule router and fritzbox router. This has been tested with Netmodule SW and Fritz!OS: 07.28.

At first, we configure the Fritzbox to accept VPN LAN2LAN connection.

Internet → Freigaben → Tab VPN: VPN Verbinung hinzufügen.

“Ihr Heimnetz mit einem anderen FRITZ!Box-Netzwerk verbinden (LAN-LAN-Kopplung)”

  1. Please choose a VPN Preshared key, in our example we use “admin01admin0”
  2. Name der VPN-Verbindung: We choose LAN2LAN (this is only for internal use for the fritzbox)
  3. Internet-Addresse der Gegenstelle: (This is used as Local-ID in NM-Router and must not be reachble)
  4. Internet-Addresse dieser Fritz!Box: Please insert your DynamicDNS name of you fritzbox. For example
  5. Entferntes Netzwerk: This is the Subnet shared by Netmodule Router. In our case we use:
  6. Check “VPN-Verbindung dauerthaft halten”

Click OK to save the changes.

Now we can configure the netmodule router:

Goto VPN→IPSEC Tunnel Configuration:

Tunnel Configuration
Administrative status enabled
Config mode standard
Local address
Remote peer address (This has been set in 4)

Uncheck Dead Peer Detection (DPD) Administrative status.

IKE Proposal:

IKE Proposal
Key exchange IKEv1
Authentication type pre-shared key
PSK The key you choose in 1). In our case “admin01admin01”
Local ID type IP Address
Local ID Choosen in 3. In our case
Peer ID type Full Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
Peer ID

IKE Proposal (Phase 1)

IKE Proposal (Phase 1)
Negotiation mode aggressive
Encryption algorithm aes256
Authentication algorithm sha1
Diffie-Hellman group Group2 (modp1024)
Pseudo-random function undefined
SA life time 86400

IPsec Proposal (IKE Phase 2)

IPsec Proposal (IKE Phase 2)
Encapsulation mode Tunnel
IPsec protocol ESP
Encryption algorithm aes256
Authentication algorithm sha1
SA life time 28800
Perfect forward secrecy (PFS) Check, use DH-Group “use from phase 1”
Force encapsulation unchecked


Local network (Used in 4)
Local netmask (Used in 4)
Peer network (This is the fritzbox network)
Peer netmask (This is the fritzbox netmask)
NAT Uncheck

Save setting by hitting the hook button.

Ipsec Administration

Ipsec Administration
IPsec administrative status enable
Propose NAT traversal checked
Enable IKEv2 Make-before-Break unchecked
Restart on link change checked

Apply new settings. Now the netmodule router should connect to Fritzbox and both should share there networks.