In many mobile use cases customers want to have additional information on network coverage, signal and connections quality, roaming and so on.
This data can be generated using a SDK script such as
. It queries cli status
periodically and logs the items you are interested in into a comma separated values file e.g./home/sdk/sandbox/logger/current.csv
. When the script restarts or when a configurable timeout is reached, a new file is written.
A second script will upload the log files in the working directory from time to time to a FTP server.
Once having the data on the server, it can be evaluated, e.g. by drawing it onto a map or analyse it with Excel or NI DIAdem.
/* DESC: A script that can be used for a longtime logging of a NetModule Router. * The upper part of the script is the logger template. The lower part is the real programm, where you describe the settings and workflow. * Copyright (C) 2014 NetModule AG, Switzerland */ template logger { workfile="current.csv"; serialNumber=nb_status('system').SERIAL_NUMBER; currentFilename=""; currentLogStart=0; // the current logfile was startet at this time intervall=5; // new logentry every # seconds logfileIntervall=3600; // new logfile every # seconds // due to the fact that we cannot see the amount of free space in the sdk // we need to improvise and add up the current filesizes currentLogSize=0; // in Bytes maxLogSize=15000000; // in Bytes freespace=1000000; // in Bytes # give the constructor the absolute path to store the Loggs into void logger(string path) { dh=opendir(path); if(dh == -1) { if ( mkdir(path,0666) == -1 ); { nb_syslog("Could not create dir: %s. Exiting",path); exit(1); } } else { nb_syslog("directory already existent: %s", path); closedir(dh); } this.path = path; this.fields = mkarray(); namepart=strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_start.csv",localtime(time())); this.currentFilename=sprintf("%s_%s",this.serialNumber, namepart); } int jiffy() { sys = sysinfo(); u = struct_get(sys, "uptime"); if (is_void(u) || u < 1) { return 0; } else { return u; } } int addField(string fieldname) { if (strlen(fieldname) > 0 ) { this.fields = array_merge(this.fields, fieldname); return 0; } else { nb_syslog("Fieldname to short, not adding"); return -1; } } int addFields(array localFields) { for (i=0; i < length(localFields); i++) { if (this.addField(localFields[i]) == -1 ) return -1; } return 0; } int newLogfile() { // check if file if we have a work file an rename it to currentFile fd=fopen(sprintf("%s%s", this.path,this.workfile),"r" ); if(fd) { // we have a current workfile lets rename it fclose(fd); if(!rename(sprintf("%s%s",this.path,this.workfile), sprintf("%s%s",this.path,this.currentFilename))){ nb_syslog("Could not rename %s to %s, %s will be deleted",this.workfile, this.currentFilename,this.workfile); remove(sprintf("%s%s",this.path,this.workfile)); } } //set new current Filename as we stored the old one away namepart=strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.csv",localtime(time())); this.currentFilename=sprintf("%s_%s",this.serialNumber,namepart); this.currentLogStart=this.jiffy(); //creating Header header=""; for (i=0; i < length(this.fields); i++) { header=sprintf('%s%s;',header,this.fields[i]); } if(this.addLineToFile(header) == -1 ) { nb_syslog("writing of header to file: %s%s:", this.path,this.workfile); return -1; } else { return 0; } } int addLineToFile(string line) { fd=fopen(sprintf("%s%s", this.path,this.workfile),"a" ); if (fd < 0 ) { nb_syslog("could not open file %s%s", this.path, this.workfile); } if(!fwrite(fd,sprintf("%s\n",line))) { nb_syslog("writing of line to file: %s%s:", this.path,this.workfile); fclose(fd); return -1; } else { fclose(fd); return 0; } } int filesize(string file) { fd=fopen(file,"r"); if (fd) { fseek(fd,-1); size=ftell(fd); fclose(fd); return size; } else { return -1; } } int logNow() { //get current status output sections=mkarray("system","wan","wwan","wlan","gnss","lan","openvpn","ipsec","dio","license", "hotspot"); status=mkstruct(); for (i=0;i<length(sections);i++) { status=struct_merge(status,nb_status(sections[i])); } line=""; for (i=0; i < length(this.fields); i++) { value=struct_get(status,this.fields[i]); if (strlen(value) == 0) { value=sprintf("n/a"); } line=sprintf('%s%s;',line,value); } if(this.addLineToFile(line) == -1 ) { nb_syslog("writing of line to file failed: %s%s:", this.path,this.workfile); return -1; } else { return 0; } } int logRotate() { // get all files in path nb_syslog("Starting Logrotate"); files=mkarray(); handle = opendir(this.path); if (handle != -1) { while ((entry = readdir(handle))) { if (entry == ".") continue; if (entry == "..") continue; if (entry == this.workfile) continue; files=array_merge(files,entry); } closedir(handle); } else { nb_syslog("cannot open directory %s", this.path); } // sort old to new qsort(files); // files=array_reverse(files); // get current filesizes this.currenLogSize=0; sizes=mkarray(); for(i=0;i<length(files);i++){ size[i]=this.filesize(sprintf("%s%s",this.path,files[i])); this.currentLogSize=this.currentLogSize+size[i]; } nb_syslog("Current Logsize: %i byte",this.currentLogSize); //if we don't have enough space delete enough old ones to have enough space return 0; } } // ###################################################### // ###################################################### // ###################################################### l = new logger("/logger/"); // Timestamp of the Logentry l.addField("SYSTEM_TIME"); // GPS Fields l.addField("GNSS1_LONGITUDE"); l.addField("GNSS1_LATITUDE"); l.addField("GNSS1_SATELLITES_INVIEW"); // LTE Connection Fields // Can be cloneed with MOBILE2 in case more LTE Connections are used // Arbitrary Strength Unit (ASU) l.addField("MOBILE1_SIGNAL_LEVEL"); // received signal code power l.addField("MOBILE1_SIGNAL_RSCP"); // Received signal strength indication l.addField("MOBILE1_SIGNAL_RSSI"); // Service Type: LTE/HSPA/3G/2G/EDGE l.addField("MOBILE1_SERVICE_TYPE"); // NETWORK ID of the LTE Network we are connected to l.addField("MOBILE1_LAI"); // Area Code in LTE Network l.addField("MOBILE1_LAC"); // Cell ID we are connected to l.addField("MOBILE1_CID"); // Is the SIM registered in Home or Roaming l.addField("MOBILE1_REGISTRATION_STATE"); // WAN Data Connection field // Connection that is current default Gateway l.addField("WAN_HOTLINK"); // Per WANLINK/LTE Connection: // Current State: up/down/dialin l.addField("WANLINK1_STATE"); // Current upload and download rates l.addField("WANLINK1_DOWNLOAD_RATE"); l.addField("WANLINK1_UPLOAD_RATE"); // Bytes that are already down- or uploaded. l.addField("WANLINK1_DATA_DOWNLOADED"); l.addField("WANLINK1_DATA_UPLOADED"); // WLAN Fields // WLAN Clients Attached to the Accesspoint l.addField("WLAN1_STATION_COUNT"); l.newLogfile(); l.intervall=5; // log every 5sec l.logfileIntervall=3600; // create a new file every 5 min // ###################################################### // ###################################################### // ###################################################### // ###################################################### while (true) { l.logNow(); sleep(l.intervall); // lets see if we need a new logfile if (l.currentLogStart+l.logfileIntervall<l.jiffy()) { l.newLogfile(); l.logRotate(); } } exit(0);
SYSTEM_TIME;GNSS1_LONGITUDE;GNSS1_LATITUDE;GNSS1_SATELLITES_INVIEW;MOBILE1_SIGNAL;MOBILE1_SERVICE_TYPE;MOBILE1_LAI;MOBILE1_LAC;MOBILE1_CID;WAN_HOTLINK;WANLINK1_STATE;WANLINK1_DOWNLOAD_RATE;WANLINK1_UPLOAD_RATE;WANLINK1_DATA_DOWNLOADED;WANLINK1_DATA_UPLOADED;WLAN1_STATION_COUNT; 2015-03-17 11:50:12;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;216C6;WANLINK1;up;168;219;28560577;29223265;0; 2015-03-17 11:50:19;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;216C6;WANLINK1;up;168;219;28560577;29223265;0; 2015-03-17 11:50:25;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;216C6;WANLINK1;up;168;219;28560577;29223265;0; 2015-03-17 11:50:31;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;216C6;WANLINK1;up;168;219;28560577;29223265;0; 2015-03-17 11:50:36;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;216C6;WANLINK1;up;168;219;28560577;29223265;0; 2015-03-17 11:50:43;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;216C6;WANLINK1;up;168;219;28560577;29223265;0; 2015-03-17 11:50:49;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;216C6;WANLINK1;up;168;219;28560577;29223265;0; 2015-03-17 11:50:55;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;216C6;WANLINK1;up;168;219;28560577;29223265;0; 2015-03-17 11:51:01;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;216C6;WANLINK1;up;168;219;28560577;29223265;0; 2015-03-17 11:51:11;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;216C6;WANLINK1;up;0;0;28562684;29225261;0; 2015-03-17 11:51:17;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;216C6;WANLINK1;up;0;0;28562684;29225261;0; 2015-03-17 11:51:23;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;2B306;WANLINK1;up;0;0;28562684;29225261;0; 2015-03-17 11:51:29;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;2B306;WANLINK1;up;0;0;28562684;29225261;0; 2015-03-17 11:51:35;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;2B306;WANLINK1;up;0;0;28562684;29225261;0; 2015-03-17 11:51:41;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;2B306;WANLINK1;up;0;0;28562684;29225261;0; 2015-03-17 11:51:47;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;2B306;WANLINK1;up;0;0;28562684;29225261;0; 2015-03-17 11:51:53;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;2B306;WANLINK1;up;0;0;28562684;29225261;0; 2015-03-17 11:51:59;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;2B306;WANLINK1;up;0;0;28562684;29225261;0; 2015-03-17 11:52:05;n/a;n/a;n/a;-87;UMTS;22803;1B5F;2B306;WANLINK1;up;0;0;28562684;29225261;0;
/* desc: This script uploaed all files in a directory (exception can be specified) to a ftp server. * copyright (c) 2014 netmodule ag, switzerland */ template uploader { workfile="current.csv"; path=""; removefilesafterupload=false; server=""; serverpath="/"; user=""; password=""; void uploader(string path) { dh=opendir(path); if(dh == -1) { nb_syslog("path %s not existent, exiting",path); exit(1); } else { nb_syslog("uploader path: %s", path); closedir(dh); } this.path = path; } int uploadfiles() { nb_syslog("starting uploading"); files=mkarray(); handle = opendir(this.path); if (handle != -1) { while ((entry = readdir(handle))) { if (entry == ".") continue; if (entry == "..") continue; if (entry == this.workfile) continue; files=array_merge(files,entry); } closedir(handle); } else { nb_syslog("cannot open directory %s", this.path); } // sort old to new qsort(files); // get current filesizes dump(files); for(i=0;i<length(files);i++){ // lets upload every file if (nb_transfer_put(this.user, this.password, sprintf("%s/%s/%s", this.server, this.serverpath,files[i]), sprintf("%s%s",this.path,files[i])) == 0) { nb_syslog("stored '%s%s' on remote site", this.path, files[i]); if(this.removefilesafterupload) { if(remove(sprintf("%s%s",this.path,files[i]))) { nb_syslog("file %s%s removed after upload", this.path, files[i]); } else { nb_syslog("file %s%s can't be removed after upload", this.path, files[i]); } } } else { nb_syslog("upload of '%s%s' was not successfull ", this.path, files[i]); } } return 0; } } // of template uploader ########### The real program ############### u = new uploader("/logger/"); u.server=""; u.serverpath="/logger/"; u.user="*******"; u.password="*******"; u.removefilesafterupload=true; u.uploadfiles();
Example Python script to visualize the Data:
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.pylab as pylab import numpy as np import string import as cm import csv from datetime import datetime as dt #2014-11-13 06:18:09 tf="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" startTime=dt.strptime("2015-02-05 06:00:00", tf) endTime=dt.strptime("2015-02-21 22:00:00", tf) twogx=[] #longitudes twogy=[] #latitudes threegx=[] #longitudes threegy=[] #latitudes fourgx=[] #longitudes fourgy=[] #latitudes nagx=[] #longitudes nagy=[] #latitudes d1x=[] d1y=[] d2x=[] d2y=[] cy=[] cx=[] cities=[] errorlist=[] maxlon=-180.0 minlon=180.0 maxlat=-85.0 minlat=85.0 fi=open(r'data/<logfile>.log','r') csvlog=csv.DictReader(fi, delimiter=',') for row in csvlog: try: timestamp=dt.strptime(row["system_time"],tf) if timestamp > startTime and timestamp < endTime: try: stype=row["mobile1_service_type"] row_x=float(row["gnss1_longitude"]) row_y=float(row["gnss1_latidude"]) provider=row["mobile1_network"] if row_x == 0.0 or row_y == 0.0: raise NameError('NoGPsFix') if stype=="EDGE": twogx.append(row_x) twogy.append(row_y) elif stype=="HSPA+" or stype=="HSDPA" or stype=="UMTS": threegx.append(row_x) threegy.append(row_y) elif stype=="LTE": fourgx.append(row_x) fourgy.append(row_y) else: nagx.append(row_x) nagy.append(row_y) if provider=="": d2x.append(row_x) d2y.append(row_y) elif provider=="": d1x.append(row_x) d1y.append(row_y) if row_x > maxlon : maxlon=row_x if row_x < minlon : minlon=row_x if row_y > maxlat : maxlat=row_y if row_y < minlat : minlat=row_y except: errorlist.append(row["system_time"]) except: errorlist.append(row["system_time"]) fi.close() fi=open(r'data/cities.csv','r') citycsv=csv.DictReader(fi, delimiter=',') for row in citycsv: try: name=row["city"] row_x=float(row["lon"]) row_y=float(row["lat"]) cy.append(row_y) cx.append(row_x) cities.append(name) except: print "Error Cities" fi.close middlelat=maxlat-minlat middlelon=maxlon-minlon ma=middlelat mo=middlelon print "lon" print maxlon print minlon print "lat" print maxlat print minlat print min(threegx) print max(threegy) print mo print ma print middlelat print middlelon m= Basemap(llcrnrlon=(minlon-(mo*0.1)),llcrnrlat=(minlat-(ma*0.1)),urcrnrlon=(maxlon+(mo*0.1)),urcrnrlat=(maxlat+(ma*0.1)),lat_ts=20, resolution='h',projection='merc',lon_0=-7.95,lat_0=48.48,epsg=3857) m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='white') # fill to edge #m.drawmapscale(lon=(minlon+(middlelon*0.05)), lat=(minlat+(middlelat*0.05)),length=100,lat0=middlelat,lon0=middlelon,barstyle="fancy" ) print("getting wms image") m.wmsimage("",layers=["osm"],xpixels=3200,format="png" ) print("received wma image") twogx1,twogy1=m(twogx,twogy) threegx1,threegy1=m(threegx,threegy) fourgx1,fourgy1=m(fourgx,fourgy) nagx1,nagy1=m(nagx,nagy) d1x1,d1y1=m(d1x,d1y) d2x1,d2y1=m(d2x,d2y) cx1,cy1=m(cx,cy) #m.scatter(d1x1,d1y1,s=20,c='m',marker="D", alpha=1, edgecolors='none',label=" ") #m.scatter(d2x1,d2y1,s=20,c='r',marker="D", alpha=1, edgecolors='none',label="") m.scatter(nagx1,nagy1,s=20,c='r',marker="D", alpha=0.5, edgecolors='none' ,label="No Signal") m.scatter(twogx1,twogy1,s=20,c='b',marker="D", alpha=1, edgecolors='none',label="2G GSM/EDGE") m.scatter(threegx1,threegy1,s=20,c='y',marker="D", alpha=1, edgecolors='none',label="3G UMTS/HSPA+" ) m.scatter(fourgx1,fourgy1,s=20,c='g',marker="D", alpha=1, edgecolors='none' ,label="4G LTE") # some cities m.scatter(cx1,cy1,s=80,c='w',marker="o", alpha=1, edgecolors='k' ) # print city name for city, xc, yc in zip(cities, cx1, cy1): #draw the city name in a yellow (shaded) box plt.text(xc+200, yc, city, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=1)) plt.legend() plt.title("NetModule test drive from " + startTime.strftime(tf) + " until " + endTime.strftime(tf) ) # might want to change this! plt.savefig("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.png"),dpi=200)