===== Hello World in C ===== - First of all we need to install gcc: GNU Compiler Collection - At the beginning, update the packages by typing apt-get update - Subsequently install the compiler by typing apt-get install gcc - Now create and open a .c file using nano editor nano hello.c - Type following code: #include int main() { printf("Hello World"); return 0; } - Save it using Ctrl + O (German keyboard: Strg + O) - Exit using Ctrl + X (German keyboard: Strg + X) - Compile the program using gcc gcc hello.c -o hello - Type ls -l - The created file has rights 644. Change it to 755 chmod 755 hello - Type ./hello to run the program ===== Hello World shell script ===== - Create and open file using nano editor nano helloBash - Type following code: #!/bin/bash echo "Hello World" - Save it using Ctrl + O (German keyboard: Strg + O) - Exit using Ctrl + X (German keyboard: Strg + X) - Type ls -l - The created file has rights 644. Change it to 755 chmod 755 helloBash - Type ./helloBash to run the program ===== Hello World in Python ===== - First of all we need to install Python - At the beginning, update the packages by typing apt-get update - Subsequently install Python by typing apt-get install python - Create and open a .py file using nano editor nano helloPt.py - Type following code: print "Hello World" - Save it using Ctrl + O (German keyboard: Strg + O) - Exit using Ctrl + X (German keyboard: Strg + X) - Run the program using python helloPt.py