====== SDK Script best-operator.are ====== This script will scan for operators on startup and choose the one with the best signal. The script is only recommended for static installations. /* DESC: This script will scan for operators on startup and choose the one with the best signal * Copyright (C) 2014 NetModule AG, Switzerland * */ ME = argv[0]; /* script path */ ARGV1 = argv[1]; /* 1st script argument */ SCAN_INTERVAL = 30; /* scan interval */ REG_TIMEOUT = 60; /* registration timeout */ nb_syslog("starting %s", ME); lai = nb_config_get("sim.0.lai"); if (lai != "") { nb_syslog("unsetting lai '%s' of SIM1", lai); nb_config_set("sim.0.lai="); sleep(5); } wanlink = nb_config_get("wanlink.0.name"); if (wanlink == "wwan0") { mode = nb_config_get("wanlink.0.mode"); if (mode == "1") { nb_syslog("disabling 1st wanlink"); nb_config_set("wanlink.0.mode=0"); sleep(5); } } /* scan Mobile1 until we got networks */ while (1) { nb_syslog("scanning networks on Mobile1"); nets = nb_scan_networks("Mobile1"); nr_nets = struct_get(nets, "NETWORK_COUNT"); if (!is_void(nr_nets) && nr_nets > 0) { nb_syslog("%d networks found", nr_nets); break; } nb_syslog("no networks found, scanning again in %ds", SCAN_INTERVAL); sleep(SCAN_INTERVAL); } networks = mkarray(); netcount = 0; for (i = 1; i <= nr_nets; i++) { net = trim(struct_get(nets, sprintf("NETWORK%d_NAME", i))); lai = trim(struct_get(nets, sprintf("NETWORK%d_LAI", i))); status = struct_get(nets, sprintf("NETWORK%d_STATUS", i)); if (is_void(net) || is_void(lai) || is_void(status)) continue; if (trim(tolower(status)) == "available" && net != "") { nb_syslog("detected network '%s' (lai %s)", net, lai); networks[netcount++] = mkstruct("network", net, "lai", lai, "signal", -999); } else { nb_syslog("skipping invalid network '%s' (%s)", net, status); } } bestnet = ""; bestlai = -1; bestsignal = -999; for (i = 0; i < netcount; i++) { network = networks[i]; net = struct_get(network, "network"); lai = struct_get(network, "lai"); nb_syslog("setting network '%s' (lai %s) over Mobile1", net, lai); nb_config_set(sprintf("sim.0.lai=%s", lai)); nb_syslog("waiting until we have registered to '%s'", net); sleep(10); signal = -999; for (r = 0; r < REG_TIMEOUT; r += 10) { status = nb_status("wwan"); regstate = struct_get(status, "MOBILE1_REGISTRATION_STATE"); nb_syslog("registration state of '%s' is '%s'", net, regstate); if (regstate == "registeredInHomeNetwork" || regstate == "registeredRoaming") { nb_syslog("waiting for signal strength of '%s' to settle down", net); sleep(10); status = nb_status("wwan"); s = (int) struct_get(status, "MOBILE1_SIGNAL"); if (s > -113) { signal = s; nb_syslog("%s at '%s' with %d dBm", regstate, net, signal); break; } else { nb_syslog("saw invalid signal strength %d", s); } } sleep(10); } if (bestnet == "" || bestlai == -1 || signal > bestsignal) { bestnet = net; bestsignal = signal; bestlai = lai; } } if (bestlai == -1) { nb_syslog("no best operator found"); } else { nb_syslog("setting best operator '%s' (lai %s)", bestnet, bestlai); nb_config_set(sprintf("sim.0.lai=%s", bestlai)); sleep(5); nb_syslog("activating 1st wanlink"); nb_config_set("wanlink.0.mode=1"); } nb_syslog("done"); exit(0);