====== Forward File Content of Files on FTP Server via SMS ====== printf("This script does not speak here, see syslog instead"); nb_syslog('starting'); SITE = "https://share.netmodule.com/router/test"; USR = "anonymous"; PWD = "anonymous"; FTPINTERVAL = 30; MAXSERVERITEMS = 100; MAXSENTITEMS = 200; ALARMNUMBER = "+4178949****"; // processed SMS sentSMS = mkarray(); // main while (1) { nb_syslog("checking %s for messages", SITE); nb_syslog("number of sent items is %s", length(sentSMS)); if (length(sentSMS) > MAXSENTITEMS) { for (i = 0; i < length(sentSMS); i++) { if (i < length(sentSMS)-MAXSENTITEMS) { nb_syslog("setting element %s to void", i); sentSMS[i] = (); // set oldest elements to void, i.e. delete them } } sentSMS = array_compact(sentSMS); // remove voids from array nb_syslog("number of sent items is %s after compacting", length(sentSMS)); } files = nb_transfer_list(USR, PWD, SITE); if (files) { if (length(files) > MAXSERVERITEMS) { id = nb_sms_send(ALARMNUMBER, sprintf("Caution, more than %s files on server", MAXSERVERITEMS)); } filesarray = mkarray(); for (i = 0; i < length(files); i++) { file = files[i]; filesarray[i] = file.name; url = sprintf("%s/%s", SITE, filesarray[i]); path = "/tmp/tempmsg"; if (nb_transfer_get(USR, PWD, url, path) == 0) { fp = fopen(path, "r"); if (fp) { phonenumber = trim(fgets(fp)); // first line is phone number content = fread(fp,file.size); // read rest of file // check new SMS if (is_void(array_search(sentSMS, filesarray[i]))){ // send SMS id = nb_sms_send(phonenumber, content); if (id) { nb_syslog("SMS to %s (origin %s) has been spooled\n", phonenumber, filesarray[i]); sentSMS = array_merge(sentSMS, filesarray[i]); nb_syslog("added %s to sent items", filesarray[i]); } else { nb_syslog("Unable to send SMS to %s\n", phonenumber); } } else { nb_syslog("file %s already processed, ignoring it", filesarray[i]); } unlink(path); } else { nb_syslog("download of '%s' failed", url); } } } } else { nb_syslog("could not access '%s' or no files in directory", SITE); } sleep(FTPINTERVAL); } exit(0);