====== WLAN Client Bridge ====== To bridge a WLAN Client connection with a Ethernet LAN there are some requirements needed. The WiFi Access Point as well as the WiFi clients need to support 4 Address Frame. The configurtion is only possible with the following products: * NB1800 * NB1810 * NB2700 * NB2710 * NB2800 * NB2810 * NB3700 * NB3701 * NB3710 * NB3711 * NB3800 Please use the current Version: [[https://share.netmodule.com/public/system-software/4.3/|]]. This funtionality was introduced with the NRSW In case you running a NB800 or NB1601 you can take a look at our [[configuration:mesh-network|Mesh Network]] funtionality ===== Access Point Config ===== Please configure your WLAN Access Point as usual {{ :configuration:wlan_ap.png?nolink |}} {{ :configuration:wlan_conf.png?nolink |}} At the IP Settings Page please enable the "4addr frame" and choose the LAN Interface you want to bridge with. {{ :configuration:wlan_ip_settings.png?nolink |}} ===== Client Config ===== Please configure your WLAN Client Connection as usual {{ :configuration:wlanclient_admin.png?nolink |}} {{ :configuration:wlanclient_conf.png?nolink |}} {{ :configuration:wlan_client.png?nolink |}} {{ :configuration:wlanclient_ipset.png?nolink |}} ==== Activating the CLient Bridge ==== After the WLAN Connection is set up. Please go to Interfaces->Link Managment and edit your WLAN Connection Please define your local LAN Interface to bridge with. {{ :configuration:activating_bridge1.png?nolink |}} {{ :configuration:activating_bridge.png?nolink |}} ---- ===== Other HowTos ===== [[configuration:mesh-network|Mesh Network]]