====== Cloud Router with VirtualBox ======
===== Install Hypervisor =====
First you have to install the hypervisor on you guest system.
You can [[https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads|download VirtualBox here]].
==== Install Guest VM ====
Get the lastest Debian 7 netinst CD image (generally 150-280 MB) from [[http://www.debian.org/releases/wheezy/debian-installer/| here]].
Debian 8 RC2 which you can [[http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/ |download here]] is mot yet supported.
You do not need to install a GUI. Just install the minimal system but include the web server.
==== Change Display Resolution ====
Unfortunately the disply resolution is very low by default. You can change it in the GRUB config.
* Open up /etc/default/grub with superuser privileges (''sudo nano /etc/default/grub'') and uncomment/add the following lines, then ''sudo update-grub'' and ''reboot''.
==== Install Guest Additions (Optional, if you have installed a GUI) ====
VirtualBox Guest Additions are a set of device drivers and system applications which are designed to be installed in the guest operating systems of VirtualBox.
* Seamless mouse support across host and guest operating systems.
* Shared folders/clipboard between host and guest operating systems.
* High-resolution video modes as well as hardware-accelerated performance for 3D graphics and 2D video.
* Time synchronization between host and guest operating systems.
wget http://dlc-cdn.sun.com/virtualbox/4.3.26/VirtualBox-4.3.26-98988-Linux_amd64.run
sudo apt-get install dkms gcc
chmod a+x VirtualBox-4.3.26-98988-Linux_amd64.run
lsmod | grep vbox
==== Configure SSH Server ====
Instead of working directly on the machine's terminal or GUI you can also connect via SSH. On Windows for example this has the advantage, that you can use PuTTY and a shared clipboad between host and guets is no longer required.
==== Install Cloud Router ====
Assuming you have become root by switching user (''su''), you can install Cloud Router as follows
wget -q https://share.netmodule.com/router/cloud/install.sh -O - | bash
After installation you should be able the Web Manager on Port 80.