====== GNSS ITxPT ====== In this example enable ITxPT on Netmodule NB2800 and receive a GPS position of the router via ITxPT implementation. As a client, we use a pc with linux-debian 11. Requirements: * Netmodule Router with licensed ITxPT * A client, in our case linux debian 11 - Enable GPS in JSON mode. (Just enable GPS, Json mode is default) - Setting up GNSS ITxPT service on NB2800: SERVICES -> ITxPT -> Configuration -> ITxPT Administratio enable. Choose your LAN Interface, your client is connected to. In our case this is LAN1. {{ :itxpt_enable.png?400 |}} Goto Gnss Tab, and enable GNSS configuration. {{ :itxpt_gnss.png?400 |}} Almost done, now we nee to discover the services offered by netmodule ITxPT service. As discovery tool, we use avahi-discover. Once, started, we can click on a service to get detail information. {{ :itxpt_discovery.png?400 |}} Now we have the multicast address for the gnss service discovered, we can join the multicast group and recvice the udp messages. Note: If you are connected to other networks too, make sure to add a route for the multicast address. In my case, I add the route: sudo ip route add dev enp5s0 Please clone https://github.com/troglobit/mtools and build the mtools: klueppel@fang:/tmp$ git clone https://github.com/troglobit/mtools Cloning into 'mtools'... remote: Enumerating objects: 103, done. remote: Total 103 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 103 Receiving objects: 100% (103/103), 48.67 KiB | 2.32 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (53/53), done. klueppel@fang:/tmp$ cd mtools/ klueppel@fang:/tmp/mtools$ make CC msend.o LINK msend CC mreceive.o LINK mreceive klueppel@fang:/tmp/mtools$ Now we can start mrecevie, with multiacast IP and port: ./mreceive -g -p 14005 ./mreceive -g -p 14005 Now receiving from multicast group: Receive msg 1 from $GNRMC,094445.00,A,5005.47450,N,00840.68303,E,0.015,,151121,,,D*60$GNVTG,,T,,M,0.015,N,0.028,K,D*36$GNGGA,094445.00,5005.47450,N,00840.68303,E,2,12,0.78,119.1,M,47.5,M,,0000*4B$GNGSA,A,3,04,06,19,09,07,03,22,02,26,,,,1.21,0.78,0.93*1A$GNGSA,A,3,85,70,69,84,79,68,78,77,,,,,1.21,0.78,0.93*1D$GNGSA,A,3,312,304,321,309,319,311,336,,,,,,1.21,0.78,0.93*28$GPGSV,4,1,15,02,27,313,45,03,31,106,29,04,63,064,27,06,61,267,47*75$GPGSV,4,2,15,07,22,175,26,09,76,235,31,11,32,309,46,16,01,089,*7B$GPGSV,4,3,15,17,01,217,,19,13,235,46,20,06,295,,22,11,113,21*7F$GPGSV,4,4,15,26,09,052,27,36,29,151,,49,33,185,30*4B$GLGSV,3,1,09,68,31,066,25,69,71,355,27,70,25,273,28,77,12,015,21*62$GLGSV,3,2,09,78,33,069,30,79,20,125,25,84,42,224,20,85,40,311,23*64$GLGSV,3,3,09,86,06,345,*56$GAGSV,3,1,10,301,11,105,,304,76,062,26,309,46,250,47,311,47,205,28*6A$GAGSV,3,2,10,312,06,168,22,318,16,274,,319,17,066,28,321,16,058,21*63$GAGSV,3,3,10,327,04,011,29,336,49,290,45 Done.