====== FMStoIP ====== In this example enable ITxPT on Netmodule NG800 and receive specific CAN Data of the router via ITxPT implementation. As a client, we use a pc with linux-debian 10. Requirements: * ITxPT and FMStoIP license * A client, in our case linux debian 10 === 1. Step === SERVICES -> ITxPT -> Configuration -> ITxPT Administratio enable. Choose your LAN Interface, your client is connected to. In our case this is LAN1. {{:itxpt_enable.png?600|}} === 2. Step === Go to FMStoIP Tab, and configure as followed: {{:app-notes:enable_fms.png?600|}} === 3. Step === To get any FMS data from the database on the webserver, once we need to enable all possible PGN IDs on the fmstoip service. Therefore we will use a simple http request sdk script. Please configure a [[configuration:sdk-job|sdk job]] with eventbased trigger set to "sdk-startup". Then add the following script into the script section: /*DESC: This script add all avaliable PGNs fmsv4.json to the FMStoIP database. * Copyright (C) 2013-2022) NetModule AG, Switzerland */ url = ''; usr = ""; pwd = ""; path = ""; pp = ""; resp = ""; //define headers header = "content-type: text/xml"; // ALL POSSIBLE PGN VALUES [HEX] pgn= mkarray("F000", "F001", "F002", "F003", "F004", "F005", "F009", "FD09", "FD7D", "FDA4", "FDA5", "FDD1", "FE4E", "FE56", "FE6B", "FE6C", "FE70", "FEAE", "FEBF", "FEC0", "FEC1", "FED5", "FEE5", "FEE9", "FEEA", "FEEC", "FEEE", "FEEF", "FEF1", "FEF2", "FEF5", "FEF6", "FEF8", "FEF8", "FEFB", "FEFC"); for(i=0; i\r\n'); fwrite(f, sprintf("%s", pgn[i])); fclose(f); req = nb_transfer_post(usr ,pwd ,url ,path ,pp ,resp ,header); printf("added PGN:%s\n\n", pgn[i]); } Don't forget to edit your router IP in the url! It is set to default === 4. Step === * [[app-notes:avahi-on-LXC|How to set up the discovery tool avahi under an LXC container]] Almost done, now we need to discover the services offered by netmodule ITxPT service. As discovery tool, we use avahi-discover. Once, started, we can click on a service to get detail information. {{:app-notes:avahi-fmstopip.png?600|}} Now we have the multicast address for the fmstoip service discovered, we can join the multicast group and recvice the udp messages. Note: If you are connected to other networks too, make sure to add a **route via** for the multicast address. === 5. Step === Please clone https://github.com/troglobit/mtools and build the mtools: timm@debian:~/git$ git clone https://github.com/troglobit/mtools Cloning into 'mtools'... remote: Enumerating objects: 103, done. remote: Total 103 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 103 Receiving objects: 100% (103/103), 48.67 KiB | 2.32 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (53/53), done. timm@debian:~/git$ cd mtools/ timm@debian:~/git/mtools$ make CC msend.o LINK msend CC mreceive.o LINK mreceive timm@debian:~/git/mtools$ === 6. Step === Now we can start mrecevie, with multiacast IP and port: ./mreceive -g -p 15015 timm@debian:~/git/mtools$ ./mreceive -g -p 15015 Now receiving from multicast group: Receive msg 1 from F001FF0000FFFFFFFFDD1671119801118ABS Fully OperationalNot availableF001FF0000FFFFFFFFDD1671119801118ABS Fully OperationalNot available Receive msg 2 from F002FF0000FFFFFFFFDD1671119811052Percent Clutch Slip%102.0F002FF0000FFFFFFFFDD1671119811051Percent Clutch Slip%102.0 F001 FF0000FFFFFFFFDD 1671119801118 ABS Fully Operational Not available F001 FF0000FFFFFFFFDD 1671119801118 ABS Fully Operational Not available F002 FF0000FFFFFFFFDD 1671119811052 Percent Clutch Slip % 102.0 F002 FF0000FFFFFFFFDD 1671119811051 Percent Clutch Slip % 102.0