This is an old revision of the document!

Software Packages

NRSW as of version 3.8 is composed of the following software packages: <php> $licenses = Array(

"apache-1.0"                    => "Apache v1.0",
"apache-1.1"                    => "Apache v1.1",
"apache-2.0"                    => "Apache v2.0",
"bsd"                           => "BSD",
"bsd-1"                         => "BSD 1-clause",
"bsd-2"                         => "BSD 2-clause",
"bsd-3"                         => "BSD 3-clause",
"bsd-4"                         => "BSD 4-clause",
"bsd-sun"                       => "BSD/SUN",
"dual-bsd-gpl"                  => "GPL/BSD Dual",
"gpl-2"                         => "GPL v2", 
"gpl-3.1-with-gcc-exception"    => "GPL v3.1 (GCC)",
"isc"                           => "ISC", 
"kernel"                        => "GPL v2", 
"lgpl-2.1"                      => "LGPL v2.1", 
"mit"                           => "MIT", 
"openssl"                       => "OpenSSL", 
"ppp-mix"                       => "PPP Mix", 
"php-3.0"                       => "PHP v3.0", 
"public-domain"                 => "Public Domain", 
"vendor"                        => "NetModule",
"zlib"                          => "Zlib",


echo “<html>”; echo “<table>”; echo “<tr><th>Package</th><th>Version</th><th>License</th></tr>”; $lines = file(“data/media/nrsw/packages/packages.txt”); foreach ($lines as $line_num ⇒ $line) {

if  (substr($line, 0, 1) === "#") continue; // fist 2 lines
$fields = preg_split('/\s+/', $line); // split at spaces
if (count($fields) >= 4) {
  $package = $fields[0];
  $name = array_shift(preg_split('/-\d/', $package));
  $lic = $fields[1];
  $license = (array_key_exists($lic,$licenses)) ? $licenses[$lic] : "unknown license key";
  $modified = $fields[2];
  $url = $fields[3];
  $version = substr($package,strlen($name)+1, strlen($package));
  $version =  ($modified == "yes" && $license != "NetModule") ? $version . " (modified)" : $version;
  echo "<tr>";
  echo ($url!="") ? "<td><a href='$url'>". $name . "</a></td>" : "<td>". $name . "</td>";
  echo "<td>". $version . "</td>";
  echo "<td>". $license . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";

} echo “</table>”; echo “</html>”; </php>