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Comulocity application

  • You will need Node.js (6.7 or newer)
  • You will need npm (installed with Node.js)
  • You will need access to your Cumulocity account, i.e. you need your tenant name, username and password.

Install Node.js and npm

First download node.js:

Then go to the download folder and unpack node.js.

tar –xzvf node-v7.3.0-linux-x64.tar.gz

Now we have to create a new folder for node.js.

mkdir /usr/local/node

Then we move all to the new folder.

mv node-v7.3.0-linux-x64/* /usr/local/node

At last we go to the root folder with cd and add the path of node.js.

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/node/bin

With echo $PATH we can see the paths.