Table of Contents

Hello World in C

  1. First of all we need to install gcc: GNU Compiler Collection
  2. At the beginning, update the packages by typing
     apt-get update 
  3. Subsequently install the compiler by typing
     apt-get install gcc 
  4. Now create and open a .c file using nano editor
     nano hello.c 
  5. Type following code:
    #include <stdio.h> 
    int main() 
    	printf("Hello World");
    	return 0; 
  6. Save it using Ctrl + O (German keyboard: Strg + O)
  7. Exit using Ctrl + X (German keyboard: Strg + X)
  8. Compile the program using gcc
     gcc hello.c -o hello 
  9. Type
     ls -l 
  10. The created file has rights 644. Change it to 755
     chmod 755 hello 
  11. Type

    to run the program

Hello World shell script

  1. Create and open file using nano editor
     nano helloBash 
  2. Type following code:
    echo "Hello World"
  3. Save it using Ctrl + O (German keyboard: Strg + O)
  4. Exit using Ctrl + X (German keyboard: Strg + X)
  5. Type
     ls -l 
  6. The created file has rights 644. Change it to 755
     chmod 755 helloBash 
  7. Type

    to run the program

Hello World in Python

  1. First of all we need to install Python
  2. At the beginning, update the packages by typing
     apt-get update 
  3. Subsequently install Python by typing
     apt-get install python 
  4. Create and open a .py file using nano editor
  5. Type following code:
     print "Hello World" 
  6. Save it using Ctrl + O (German keyboard: Strg + O)
  7. Exit using Ctrl + X (German keyboard: Strg + X)
  8. Run the program using