====== Download a File and Store it to a USB Flash Drive ====== If you need to download a File and store it to a USB flash drive attached to a router you can use the script below. You need to configure the download URL and the local File name at the beginning of the script ## URL where to download from DOWNLOADURL="http://www.mywebserver.com/niceFile.bin"; ## URL where to save the file to (without USB Media Folder) LOCALFILE="downloaded-file.bin"; ## URL where to download from DOWNLOADURL="http://www.mywebserver.com/niceFile.bin"; ## URL where to save the file to (without USB Media Folder) LOCALFILE="downloaded-file.bin"; ## FTP/HTTP Credentials USR=""; PWD=""; USBDEV="usb0"; USBDIR="/mnt/media/usb0/"; ret = nb_media_mount(USBDEV); if (ret == 0) { nb_syslog("Successfully mounted usb0\n"); } else { nb_syslog("Unable to mount usb0 (rc %d)\n", ret); } mounted = nb_media_getmount(); nb_syslog(sprintf("Mounted media:",mounted)); if (nb_transfer_get(USR, PWD, DOWNLOADURL, sprintf("%s/%s",USBDIR,LOCALFILE)) == -1) { nb_syslog("could not download %s", DOWNLOADURL); } else { nb_syslog(sprintf("downloaded: %s to %s on usb drive",DOWNLOADURL,LOCALFILE)); } nb_media_umount(USBDEV);