/* DESC: This downloads a Textfile that contains a version number and compares is with the installed software version. * DESC: If the Version if diffrent a software update will be started. * Copyright (C) 2017 JJ NetModule AG, Switzerland */ updateversionurl="http://share.netmodule.com/public/system-software/latest/NB2710.version"; updateimageurl="http://share.netmodule.com/public/system-software/latest/NB2700_Software_Release.img"; versionfile="swversion.text"; currentversion=nb_status("system").SYSTEM_SOFTWARE; if (nb_transfer_get("","",updateversionurl,versionfile) != -1) { nb_syslog("http request worked"); } else { nb_syslog("http request failed"); exit(1); } if (file_exists(versionfile)) { fh=fopen(versionfile,"r"); if (!is_void(fh)) { fseek(fh,0); line=trim(fgets(fh)); if (strlen(line) > 2) { if (line != currentversion) { nb_syslog("Version %s on %s is diffrent to %s, lets start the update",line,updateurl,currentversion); nb_update_software(updateimageurl); } else { nb_syslog("No newer image available, update skipped"); } } } fclose(fh); exit(0); } else { nb_syslog("No local file with versionnumber found"); exit(1); }